Friday, February 27, 2009
Checking for Understanding-ReQuest
I did not ask these students to ask questions of each other until they had read the whole book. I tried to get the kids to write down questions while they were reading but they really had trouble stopping their readings to write down a question. I did finally tell them to just think of questions while they were reading and that at the end of the book they could write down the questions. Most of the students didn't write down the questions but they did have the questions in their minds when it was time to ask their team mates questions. These students will be Battling through April, so they will continue to review their books and ask each other questions.
P.S. They won their first Battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Specific Applications for Blogs
- Taking pictures of field trips and putting them on the Blog with descriptions and then asking students to comment. Rather than simple asking for comments, I could also ask students to answer a reflective question. It would be fun to have the students take turns being the photographer so that it was their pictures that were on the Blog.
- Asking students to comment or answer reflective questions concerning a story that we might be reading.
- Asking students to do some research and have them briefly describe their findings on the Blog.
- Ask students to comment on the Posts of other students.
As I write these ideas, more ideas continue to pop into my mind. I think once you start a class out on the path of participating on Blogs, they will become more and more involved in its use. Students could even take turns coming up with ideas for Post assignments. I think Blogs have a lot of potential for improving student involvement on assignments. In a Public School setting it will be important to provide access to the Blogs for all students.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Web 2.0-Rethinking our Schools
- Teach children the ability to learn.
- Teach children how to critically think.
- Expose children to many ideas to develop personal flexibility.
- Help children learn about themselves.
- Teach children about nature.
The videos drove home to me the responsibility that I have as a teacher to teach children technology so that they can be prepared to function successfully in society. The videos also made me concerned for the pace in which our society seems to be heading. Children need time to discover themselves and their connection to nature. When I think of teaching a child- I think all these factors are important.
My Favorite Web 2.0 Tools
While exploring Web 2.0 I had a blast. I especially enjoyed TokBox. TokBox is a video mail tool. It was simple to use and I kept coming up with ideas for its use. It has a feature that allows you to ring another person and talk to them while looking at their image in time-fantastic and fun. This sort of tool would be easy to teach children. I also liked Dabbleboard. Dabbleboard is a whiteboard that you can free draw, type or put pictures. This would be a great tool when working with students on developing idea webs or Pre-writes. It also is very easy to use and most importantly-free.
Monday, February 16, 2009